Lake Users Association - Documents A community forum for our members www.warmlake.org |
Here you will find documents related to Warm Lake Users Association membership. Adobe
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FIRE PROTECTION COMMITEE Letter from Mary Ann Davis of ISHS to Dick Smith of BNF April 16, 2004 PROGRAMMATIC
AGREEMENT between From Mark Bingman of the USFS (6/25/03): " These documents are still in draft form. No formal Programmatic Agreement (PA) between the Boise National Forest and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has been signed. For questions or comments, visitor's should contact a member of the WLUA committee." Warm Lake RRPA Attachment A - review process Warm Lake RRPA Attachments B and C Warm Lake RRPA Attachment D - standards and guidelines Excerpt
from the Draft Boise National Forest Plan You could also read the rest of the gripping draft forest plan here... Association Meeting Minutes Association Financial Statements Financial Statement for Period 1 May 2002 to 16 April 2003 Other Association Documents LOW WELL WATER ALERT May 14, 2004 WLUA Dock Committee Meeting Minutes Fish Tales Newsletters